Journal Indexing Databases and Search Engines

Journals included in a index are considered to be of better quality than non-journals. This is because journals must go through a review process to be included or indexed in reputable bibliographic databases.

NameDiscipline(s)DescriptionAccess cost
AGRIS: Agricultural databaseAgricultureCovers agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry,aquatic sciencesandfisheries, human nutrition, extension literature from over 100 countries. Indexes unpublished scientific and technical reports, theses, conference papers, government publications.Free
Analytical sciences digital library[8]Analytical chemistryA collection of peer-reviewed electronic resources on chemical measurements and instrumentationFree
ArachneArchaeology,Art history2.4 million digital images from archive material, 1 million of books, 40,000 high quality scans of ancient sculptures, 300 volumes of ancient books with more than 60,000 pagesFree
ArchiveGridMultidisciplinaryDirectory of archival materials from American and international institutions, including over five million recordsFree
AminerComputer ScienceOnline service used to index and search academic social networksFree
Astrophysics Data SystemAstrophysics,Geophysics,PhysicsPublications in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Physics, and thearXive-printsFree
AULIMP: Air University Library’s Index to Military PeriodicalsMilitary ScienceThe articles, news items, book reviews and editorials from 63 English language military andaeronauticalperiodicalsFree
BASE: Bielefeld Academic Search EngineMultidisciplinaryMetadata for 260 million documents from more than 8,000 content providersFree
CHBD: Circumpolar Health Bibliographic DatabaseMedicineContains records describing publications about all aspects of human health in the circumpolar regionFree
CiteSeerXMultidisciplinaryReplaced CiteSeer, and ChemXSeer. MainlyComputer science,Statistics,Mathematics.Free
Civil engineering databaseCivil engineeringA bibliographic database covering all of ASCE’s publications since 1872Free
COREMultidisciplinaryA full text aggregator of all open access papers from repositories (institutional, subject,preprints, etc.) and journals. Around 20 million monthly active users.Free
CrossrefMultidisciplinaryAn officialDigital Object Identifier(DOI) Registration Agency of theInternational DOI Foundation. Metadata about publications, datasets, grants, preprints from 17,633 members (journals, publishers, etc.)Free
Directory of Open Access JournalsMultidisciplinaryArticles from 15,000 open access journals (Dec 2020)Free
DBLPComputer scienceComprehensive list of papers from major computer science conferences and journalsFree
EconBizEconomicsCovers journals, working papers & conferences in business studies and economicsFree
Europe PMCBiomedicalAbstracts & full text ( 6.5 million) biomedical andlife sciencesarticles (Dec 2020). Includestext miningtools and links to external molecular and medical data sets.Free
Google ScholarMultidisciplinaryThe biggest academic database & search engine (over 390 million records, unofficial estimate)Free
HALMultidisciplinaryAn open-access database for French researchers. Organized into institution and domain portals.Free
Index CopernicusMultidisciplinaryContains over 2,500 journals (including 700 journals fromPoland).Free
Information Bridge: Department of Energy Scientific and Technical InformationMultidisciplinaryProvides free public access to over 266,000 full-text documents and bibliographic citations of Department of Energy (DOE) research report literature. Documents are primarily from 1991 forward.Free
IARPMultidisciplinaryOpen-access knowledge management system incorporatinggrants,publications, conferences in natural and social & behavioral sciencesFree
INSPIRE-HEPPhysics, (High Energy)An open access digital library for the field ofhigh energy physics(HEP) (operates since the 1970s)Free
International Nuclear Information System(INIS)Nuclear Physics,Nuclear Energy,Medical PhysicsA leading bibliographic andgrey literaturerepository covering all areas ofnuclear scienceand technology.Free
Internet Archive ScholarMultidisciplinaryFocus on fulltext search ofopen accessjournals and conference proceedingsFree
JurnMultidisciplinaryIndex property andopen access journalsin the arts, humanities, ecology, science, biomedical, business and economics.Free
LingbuzzLinguisticsA free archive of linguistics articles, with a focus on syntax,semantics,phonologyandmorphologyFree
LogeionClassical StudiesAn open-access database ofLatinandAncient GreekdictionariesFree
MEDLINEMedicine,HealthcareEasy-to-use interface to search and retrievecitationsand abstracts from 5,200 journals viaMeSHvocabularyFree
Microsoft AcademicMultidisciplinaryCovers publications from over 49,000 journalsFree
MyScienceWorkMultidisciplinaryDatabase includes more than 90 million scientific publications and 12 millionpatents.Free
National Criminal Justice Reference ServiceCriminology,SociologyAbstracts of scholarly journal articles, agency and NGO reports, audiovisual products, and conference proceedings.Free
National Diet Library CollectionMultidisciplinaryJapanese. Catalog for the National Library of Japan.Free
OAIsterMultidisciplinaryCovers records contributed by over 1,500 organizationsFree
OpenEdition.orgHumanities,social scienceOffers four international-scale publication and information platforms in the humanities andsocial sciences(10661 books, 549 journals, 3793 blogs, 45591 events).Free
OpenGrayGrey literatureIndexes Europeangrey literatureFree
ORCIDMultidisciplinaryAn open and independent registry for contributor identification in research and academic publishing. List:biography,education, employment, works,grants, peer-review. Over 9.3 million profiles.Free
PaperityMultidisciplinaryAggregator ofopen accessjournals and papers (>15,000 journals)Free
PhilPapersPhilosophyIndex journals, books, open access archives, and personal pages maintained by academicsFree
PubMedBiomedical,life sciencesA database primarily of references and abstracts on life sciences and biomedical topics. IncludesMEDLINE,PubMed Central, and Bookshelf.Free
PubMed Central(PMC)Biomedical,life sciencesFree full-text archive of publications and preprintsFree
PublonsMultidisciplinaryService for academics to track theirpeer reviewand editorial contributions for academic journals. Merged withResearcherIDFree
PubPsychPsychologyDatasets and offers, where available, full-text linking, links to additional information and link resolvingFree
RePEc: Research Papers in EconomicsEconomicsWorking papers, journal articles, books, books chapters and software components (including 1.2 million full-text articles)Free
ResearchGateMultidisciplinaryCommercialsocial networkingsite for scientists and researchers. Over 19 million registered users that share their articles, datasets and other research output.Free
Russian Science Citation IndexMultidisciplinaryA bibliographic database of scientific publications in RussianFree
SafetyLitMultidisciplinary>35 distinct professional disciplines (architecture–zoology) relevant to preventing unintentional injuries, violence, and self-harmFree
SciELOMultidisciplinaryDatabase and a model for cooperative electronic publishing in developing countries (mostly South America and Africa). Indexes >1700 journals.Free
Science.govMultidisciplinaryA gateway to government science information and research results from over 60 databases, over 2,200 websites, and over 200 million pages.Free
ScienceOpenMultidisciplinaryNatural and physical sciences, social sciences, and humanities. IncorporatesarXiv,PubMed, andSciELO. Integrated withORCID Altmetricuids. Articles from >25,000 journals.Free
Scientific Information Database(SID)Engineering & Technology,Medical Science,Basic Science,Human SciencesAn Iranian index ofacademic journalsand access to full text or metadataFree
SCIndeks – Serbian Citation IndexMultidisciplinaryA bibliographic database, a national citation index, an Open Access full-text journal repository and an electronic publishing platform. Articles from >230 journals.Free
Semantic ScholarMultidisciplinaryMostly computer science and biomedical publications. Powered bysemantic analysis.Free
SNAC(Social Networks and Archival Contexts)MultidisciplinaryDirectory of archival materials grouped by subject entityFree
UnpaywallMultidisciplinaryHarvest Open Access content from over 50,000 publishers and repositoriesFree
VET-BibSocial Science,EducationEuropeanvocational educationand training (VET) literatureFree
Zentralblatt MATHMathematicsMainly reviews and abstracts.Free
DiVA (open archive)MultidisciplinaryMainly used by Swedish universities and research institutions.Free
African Journals OnLine(AJOL)MultidisciplinaryScholarly journalspublished in AfricaFree & Subscription
AGRICOLA: Agricultural Online AccessAgricultureProvides public access to information onagricultureand allied fields (17th century – present)Free & Subscription
Anthropological Index OnlineAnthropologyIndexes only (no abstracts or full-text) the anthropology journals received by The Anthropology Library atThe British MuseumFree & Subscription
Anthropological LiteratureAnthropology,ArchaeologyAn index of journals primarily fromTozzer Library, as well as otheropen-access journals(660 journals with more than 670,000 articles)Free & Subscription
ASCE LibraryCivil EngineeringAll civil engineering disciplines includingstructural engineering,geotechnical engineering,transportation engineering,construction engineering,environmental engineering, engineering mechanics,sustainability,water resources,irrigation.hydraulics,hydrology,waterways,urban planning, cold regions …Free & Subscription
BioOneBiology,Ecology,Environmental ScienceFull-text from >180 scientific journals inBiodiversity Conservation,Biology,Ecology,Environmental Science,Entomology,Ornithology,Plant Science, andZoology.Free & Subscription
CiNii[20]MultidisciplinaryDatabase of articles in theJapanese languagefrom 3600 journalsFree & Subscription
DeepDyveMultidisciplinaryCommercial website that sells access to scientific and scholarly articles from a large range of academic publishers (over 1700 journals). Limited free access.Free & Subscription
DimensionsMultidisciplinaryPublications, books and book chapters,preprintsand conference proceedings (linked to data sets, funding, publications, patents,clinical trials, and policy documents). Based onCrossRef. Contains citation-based indicators andAltmetricattention scores.Free & Subscription
ERIC: Educational Resource Information CenterEducationEducation literature and resources dating back to 1966.Free & Subscription
IngentaConnectMultidisciplinaryCovers articles from 13,000 journalsFree & Subscription
International Directory of PhilosophyPhilosophyContains information on university philosophy departments and programs, philosophical societies, research centers, journals, and philosophy publishers in the U.S., Canada, and approximately 130 other countries.Free & Subscription
J-GateMultidisciplinaryJ-Gateis an electronic gateway to global e-journal literature (articles from 58,000 journals)Free & Subscription
JournalSeekMultidisciplinaryCatalogues over 39,000 journals’ information (the description, aims, scope, journal abbreviation, journal homepage link, subject category and ISSN).Free & Subscription
JSTOR: Journal StorageMultidisciplinaryJournal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines (1870–present)Free & Subscription
The LensMultidisciplinaryServes global patent and scholarly knowledge as a public good to inform science and technology enabled problem solving.Free & Subscription
MendeleyMultidisciplinaryCrowdsourced database of research documents. Over 100M documents uploaded by the researchers plus data from repositories (e.g.PubMedandarXiv)Free & Subscription
Philosophy Documentation Center eCollectionApplied ethics,Philosophy,Religious studiesJournals, series, conferenceproceedings, and other works from several countries onlineFree & Subscription
POIESIS: Philosophy Online SerialsPhilosophy,applied ethics,religious studiesJournals and series, online access for institutions with printFree & Subscription
Rock’s BackpagesMusicPrimary documentsfrom the history ofrock and roll. Articles, including interviews, features and reviews, which coveredpopular musicfrombluesandsoulFree & Subscription
SocolarMultidisciplinaryScholarlyopen accessresources in different language (mainly Chinese)Free & Subscription
SSRN: Social Science Research NetworkSocial scienceResearch papers from more than 55 disciplinesFree & Subscription
SpringerLinkMultidisciplinaryJournals, books, series, protocols, reference works and proceedingsFree & Subscription
WorldCat[56]MultidisciplinaryUnified catalog of member libraries’ catalogsFree & Subscription
WorldWideScienceMultidisciplinaryA union catalog that itemizes the collections of 17,900librariesin 123 countriesFree & Subscription
Zasshi Kiji Sakuin: Japanese Periodicals IndexMultidisciplinaryScholarly articles in JapaneseFree & Subscription
Academic SearchMultidisciplinarySeveral versions: Complete, Elite, Premier, and Alumni EditionSubscription
Aerospace & High Technology DatabaseAerospace,Aeronautics,AstronauticsProvides indexing and abstracts from current serial and non-serial titles, including content fromAIAAandNASASubscription
AgeLineSociology,GerontologyIncludes information on aging-related topics, includingeconomics,public healthandpolicySubscription
AiritiMultidisciplinaryChinese e-content provider of Chineseacademic e-journals, Taiwaneseacademic e-journals, classical art imagesSubscription
Analytical AbstractsChemistrySelection ofanalytical chemistryarticles published by theRoyal Society of Chemistry(around 100 journals)Subscription
Arts & Humanities Citation IndexArts,HumanitiesPart ofWeb of Science. 1,800 journals across 28 arts & humanities disciplines. Records back from 1975 to present.Subscription
Association for Computing Machinery Digital LibraryComputer Science,EngineeringCollection of allACMpublications, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters and booksSubscription
ATLA Religion DatabaseReligious studiesProvides information on topics such asbiblical studies, world religions,church history, and religion in social issuesSubscription
Bibliographie de civilisation médiévaleMedieval studiesA bibliography of monographs on the Middle Ages. As of 2018, it contains about 65,000 fully classified bibliographic records.Subscription
Biological AbstractsBiologyBiomedical research literature published from more than 4,000 journals internationally.Subscription
Book Review Index OnlineBook reviewsReviews of periodicals and books – including those on tape and electronic mediaSubscription
Books In PrintBooksReviews covering over 2.5 million titlesSubscription
CAB AbstractsApplied life sciencesBibliographic information service providing access to appliedlife sciencesliterature.Subscription
Chemical Abstracts ServiceChemistryApproximately 8,000journals,technical reports,dissertations,conference proceedings, and newbooksSubscription
Chinese Social Science Citation Index[18]Social sciencesCovers about 500 Chinese academic journals of humanities and social sciencesSubscription
CINAHL: Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied HealthNursing,Allied HealthJournal articles aboutnursing,allied health,biomedicineandhealthcare. Covers 5,500 journals (English and other language).Subscription
Cochrane LibraryMedicine,HealthcareIncludes reviews of research to promote evidence-based healthcare.Subscription
Current ContentsMultidisciplinaryPart ofWeb of Science. Contains 7 discipline-specific subsets.Subscription
EconLitEconomicsCovers articles and other materials dating back to 1969Subscription
Ei CompendexEngineeringElectronic version ofEngineering IndexSubscription
EMBASEBiomedicine,PharmacologyBiomedical database with a focus on drug and pharmaceutical research. Rrecords from over 8,500 journals (1947–present).Subscription
FSTA – Food Science and Technology AbstractsFood science,Food technology,NutritionThe database of information on food science, food technology and nutritionSubscription
GeoRefGeosciencesRecords from 3,500 journals in 40 languagesSubscription
Global HealthPublic HealthSpecialist abstracting and indexing database dedicated to public health research and practice. Contains scientific records from 1973 to the present.Subscription
IEEE XploreComputer Science,Engineering,ElectronicsOver 5 million records.Subscription
InformitMultidisciplinaryAustralasian aggregator of bibliographic databases and journalsSubscription
Indian Citation IndexMultidisciplinaryCovers articles from 1100+ journals fromIndiafrom scientific, technical, medical, and social sciencesSubscription
InspecPhysics,Engineering,Computer ScienceContains records in physics, electrical engineering,electronics,communications,control engineering,information technology, manufacturing, production, andmechanical engineering.Subscription
International Medieval BibliographyMedieval studiesA multidisciplinary bibliographic database covering Europe, North Africa and the Middle East for the entire period from AD 300 to 1500Subscription
International Philosophical BibliographyPhilosophyFocus on the history of philosophy and continental philosophy.Subscription
L’Année philologiqueClassical studiesOver 860,000 bibliographical entries, including keywords, abstracts, and links to the full text.Subscription
LexisNexisLawElectronic database for legal and public-records related informationSubscription
LinguamaticsMedicine,Healthcare,PatentsInterface for searchingMEDLINE,,FDA Drug Labels,PubMed Central, andPatent Abstracts.Subscription
MathSciNetMathematicsRecords from 650 math journals (early 1800–present)Subscription
Philosophy Research IndexPhilosophyIndex of books, journals,disserations, and other documentsSubscription
Project MUSEHumanities,social scienceMUSE’s online journal collections are available on a subscription basis toacademic,public,special, andschool libraries. More than 2,500 libraries worldwide subscribe.Subscription
PsycINFOPsychologyFocus at behavioral science and mental health. Coverage 1887–present.Subscription
Readers’ Guide to Periodical LiteratureLiteratureReference guide to articles in >470periodical magazinesandjournals, organized by article subject (1890 to present)Subscription
Science Citation IndexMultidisciplinaryPart ofWeb of Science. 24,000+ journals across 254 subject disciplines.Subscription
Science DirectScienceincludingMedicineContent from more than 4,000academic journalsand 30,000e-booksSubscription
ScopusMultidisciplinaryRecords from over 20,500 titles from over 5,000 international publishersSubscription
SearchTeamMultidisciplinarySearch together collaboratively for scholarly articles and resourcesSubscription
Social Science Citation IndexSocial sciencePart ofWeb of ScienceSubscription
SparrhoMultidisciplinaryResearch articles andpatentsfrom 45k+ journals andpreprintservers. Uses content recommendation concept.Subscription
Ulrich’s Periodicals DirectoryMultidisciplinaryProvides serials forperiodicalsSubscription
Web of ScienceMultidisciplinaryIncludes other products, such asSocial Science Citation Index,Science Citation Index,Biological Abstracts&The Zoological RecordSubscription
WestLawLawOver 40,000 databases ofcase law, state and federalstatutes, administrative codes, newspaper and magazine articles, public records, law journals, law reviews,treatises, legal forms and other information resourcesSubscription
The Zoological RecordZoologyUnofficial register of scientific names & papers inzoology. Coverage 1864–present.Subscription

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